Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Isabelle Gulldén Sweden carries on his shoulders “- Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet

Linnea Torstensson loosened cannon, Isabelle Gulldén was behind almost everything else and Sweden led by as much as 18-13 at intermission. But when the game was over was the reigning European champions Montenegro victorious with 30-29.

A goal to had given the team win, and how the judges could blow away Ulrika Ågrens tie the game in the final seconds I do not understand, but it was not where the match was lost.

“handed” to Montenegro stepped up a gear in the second half and were significantly more aggressive in defense game, stuffed Isabelle Gulldén early so that the Swedish attack game became more simplistic, and themselves took quick shots from nine yards in the assault.

It was revealed the Swedish shortcomings – despite a great game overall – but the weak keeper game combined with that too few players at the side of Gulldén dared to take responsibility when it drew together is obvious something that Norway is well aware of before the semifinals.

If Sweden succeeds defeat Norway and getting to the final is the ultimate achievement for the women’s team. Norway is certainly not as star-studded as a few years ago, but has 20 championships since 1997, Olympics, World and European championships, been in 15 finals and only lost one.

Four years ago was greeted countries European Championship finals in Denmark and Norway won comfortably with 25-20. Chance of revenge now, therefore, requiring one hundred percent effort of the entire Swedish team if it should become final.

Isabelle Gulldén wears Sweden on his shoulders and is key especially forward. She has a game inside like no other and is without doubt one of the world’s best handball player right now. Not a Penalty thus far, shot in difficult situations and ingenious up gigs that are a pleasure to see.

Even back is Gulldén one of the mainstays, along with mainly Linnea Torstensson and Sabina Jacobsen. But to disrupt Norway requires that one of the goalkeepers Filippa Idéhn and Johanna Bundsen makes their life match – if there even enough.

Anyway, a place in the semifinals a great success after three tough years in fiasco in the 2012 Olympics, missed the World Cup last year and threats of boycotts plays that led to coach Torbjörn Kling Valls departure.

In came instead 43-year-old Danish Helle Thomsen. And even though I barely understand a word of what she says, I am impressed by the energy and fast pace of modern handball she in only six months managed to get out to the players. Thomsen and the other coach Tomas Sivertsson have found their roles perfectly and matched the squad smart all the way to the game for the medals.


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