Friday, April 24, 2015

Hagelin decided the series for the Rangers – Aftonbladet

NEW YORK. Carl Hagelin sent the New York Rangers forward in the Stanley Cup playoffs last night.

Key eleven minutes into over time at home at Madison Square Garden dotted the 26-year-old Swede into sudden death goal that decided the whole series against the Pittsburgh Penguins.

– This is easily the most beautiful goal I’ve ever done, says the hero to Sportbladet after a 2-1 victory.

“Bought summer place, and the plot next” – Learn about NHL Swedes gifts to family

Even the fifth meeting between the New York Rangers and Pittsburgh Penguins went to overtime – After three regular periods of frantic penguins really put Henrik Lundqvist and other New York-stars in thrilling pressure.

And just like last Wednesday was Carl Hagelin played a leading role in the decision – just even more this time.

Then he played until Kevin Hayes match-winning goal.

Now sprinkled the 26-year-old sörmlänningen himself into sudden death-pod.

“barely saw the puck go In “

Overtime drama had been going on for scarce eleven minutes when he got hold of the puck behind Marc-Andre Fleury’s bag, took a few quick cuts into the castle, turned and slurped into a relentless shots.

– I barely saw the puck went in, I heard only the audience who shouted louder and louder, and suddenly I had Dominic Moore and Jesper Fast roaring in the ears, says “Hagge” when Sportbladet meet him in a segerrusigt dressing room afterwards.

– If it is the sweetest goal in NHL career? It is easily the most beautiful goal I’ve ever done. At all. It decided the whole series, it’s so terrible beauty.

VIDEO: See Hagelins övertidsmål on here

“We have that little Swede”

Henrik Lundqvist, who had to work like an animal in order to protect themselves against Sidney Crosby & amp; Co and stopped a total of 37 shots, agrees.

– When you see a sudden death puck go into it really feels absolutely amazing. There is so much that can happen during overtime, it’s a hell of pressure, says the star goalkeeper when we pushed us up to him.

– But we have that little Swede … he seems to like to play in overtime dramas (wide grin).

It confirms his countryman.

– Yes, yes, I think about the playoffs at all. As I said before, the few chances you get in those tight games are often quite open and it makes it a little more fun,

With the night’s victory wins Rangers then the series against Pittsburgh with a total of 4-1 – and must for once, a few days of rest before the next round.

– This is the first time since I came here as we proceed from the first round without playing seven games and it feels really nice. Now we enjoy and rest up for a few days and then it’s time to reload, saying “Hagge”

Could be New York City derby

The next time waiting for antigen Washington Capital or local rivals the New York Islanders.

– It does not matter which opponent it gets. But I hope they have to play seven matches, smiling night’s hero in New York.

“Bought summer place, and the plot next” – Learn about NHL Swedes gifts to family


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